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7 November 2011

Object oriented programming

The choices here are

The first approach creates class types, all instances of data of a given class must in structure to their respective class type.

Prototype based objects – each object instance is constructed anew, the structure of the instance does not conform to any prescribed features.

More on classes

Class based design acts as a schema for the actual data that a program is processing. All object instances have to fit some layout prescribed by a class instance.

I think that the class based design approach can be compared to other software development efforts that require the design of a schema. Usually such a design process involves a level of discipline that can’t be expected from a person who is just learning to program.

There are many different ways as to how a given system can be partitioned into classes; these designs are also often very brittle, a small change in the requirements can lead to major redesigns of a system.

Normal people (not conditioned by years of programming practice) are no good at growing / maintaining hierarchies of concept.

Usually people try to avoid hierarchies in their daily life, they always try.
Some observations that justify this statement:
People tend to put all their file on the desktop instead of creating hierarchies of folders.
Discussion boards: Once upon a time each discussion board had threaded discussions (hierarchies of message as main node- response to given message as child nodes) nowadays this format is not commonly used; it’s simpler to manage for most people; I think Joel on Software said that first with regards to discussion boards. Once upon a time that was really a very novel view on things.

Advantages of classes

The big advantage is that the compiler knows the layout of a class; so it can translate this knowledge into efficient executable code.

Another advantage is that developer environments can offer documentation and auto-completion for a given type and its members.

These are of course things that are of enormous benefit to large software projects.

Advantages of prototype based approach

The concept is much simpler to grasp, therefore better suited for an educational programming language.

Many advantages of prototype based approach are listed in the paper “Self the Power of Simplicity” by David Ungar, Randal Smith.

I think that process of designing a prototype based system is similar to identifying objects by applying analogy (See Lecture by Douglas R. Hofstdadter ) ; class based approaches are similar to the attempt to creating rigid classifications, in the sense of Aristotle.