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title: Function Feature

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7 November 2011

Are really complex beasts, they introduce the following dimensions

Function name

Syntax of passing parameters

Function type signature

Return values

Evaluating strategy

Style of passing function parameters

  1. ’"By position" – arguments are passed in the same order as the parameters definitions in that have been declared in the function prototype (Java, C, Javascript do that).
  2. as Named parameters
  3. Order of parameters does not matter
  4. Order of parameters does matter.

In (1) the order that parameters appear in becomes important. Parameters are usually passed on the stack.
In (2) Named parameters can either be passed in any order; or have to be passed in the same order as declared by the function (Smalltalk, ObjectiveC).

Some languages allow passing parameters both by name and by position ( R , Ada ) I think that would be too confusing (too many features) – not good for educational purpose. There is only one choice for all situations.

Advantages of Named Parameters

Code that calls functions with name parameters is more readable, in any event.

Optional parameters are easier – with (1) only the last parameters of a function can be optional; with (2) one can have any parameter as optional, as order of parameters does not matter.

Functions with many parameters are much clearer if called by name rather than call by position.

Disadvantages of Named parameters

For short functions with few parameters, one would have to remember more details, in addition to the function name the programmer will have to memorize the function parameter names.

One really needs special tools in order to look up all this information. Either some form of auto-completion + hints, like in eclipse; or something like a class browser – as in smalltalk

Typing more for can be an issue if you just learn how to type; again good autocompletion can help.

When writing a function one has to think about clear and concise parameter names; another detail to remember.


Named parameters is the way to go for the Pooh programming languages; Named parameters for all situations that is.

Also order of parameters should not matter – this allows for greater flexibility / freedom when writing up the function call. This also means that there is no overloading of functions (two functions with the same name) – function overloading is a confusing feature; with free order of parameters it is even more confusing.

Evaluation strategy

Possible choices

  1. all call by value
  2. all call by reference
  3. Collections are passed as reference to collection; scalars as call by value (call by sharing)

Many programming languages (Lisp,Lua, Python, Java) do choice (3); which is very confusing by its ambiguity, different rules apply for scalars and for collections.

Call by reference is not very practical (Perl does that); If everything is a referene then each parameter can be a return value; so by looking at a function call you can’t tell what it will change or not; by allowing call by reference you will have too many possible side effects.

So Call by value (1) as default is the least worst choice; alas if a reference is passed, then it is passed as is. On another note this decission forces the language implementations to do reference counted strings (or copy on write strings) – otherwise a new string copy would be created whenever a string parameters is passed as argument to a function; .

Function prototype can specify call by reference wen required.

All parameters are passed by default by value – even collections. If a parameter is especially marked in the function prototype then parameter is passed by ‘reference’. Also this solution is consistent with Value feature

Function type signature

Adds additional requirement to writer of a function. Type of parameters must be inferred from use of parameters. Of course the completion tool can display them somehow.

Function overloading

One function has one implementation; no overloading here;