Pooh program example 15-thread-range-1.p

Test 15-thread-range-1.p

Source of programm

# create co-routine thread via api

# a most simple co-routine that yields all integers in range: from .. to

sub myrange( from, to )
   i = from
   while i <= to

     # yield function puts this thread to sleep and will wake up the caling thread
     # it also returns a value to the calling thread.

     threadyield0( ~yieldval i )

     i = i + 1

sub testfun()

  # Invoke the co-routine via the API.

  th := makethread( ~func myrange )

  th( ~from 1 ~to 10)

  [ running, value ] = threadyieldvalue( ~thread th )

  while( running != 0 )

    println( ~msg 'thread returned [ value ]' )

    [ running, value ] = resumethread( ~thread th )

  stopthread( ~thread th )



Standard output for 15-thread-range-1.p

thread returned 1
thread returned 2
thread returned 3
thread returned 4
thread returned 5
thread returned 6
thread returned 7
thread returned 8
thread returned 9
thread returned 10

Trace output for 15-thread-range-1.p

042|testfun(  )...
025| ... := makethread( ~func sub myrange(~from , ~to) )...
025| th := makethread( ~func sub myrange(~from , ~to) ):-> sub myrange
027| th:-> sub myrange( ~from 1 ~to 10 )...
007|  i = from:-> 1
008|  while (i:1 <= to:-> 10):true
013|   threadyield0( ~yieldval i:1 )...
029|    ... = threadyieldvalue( ~thread th:-> sub myrange(~from , ~to) )...
029|    [ running:1 , value:-> 1]  = threadyieldvalue( ~thread th:-> sub myrange(~from , ~to) ):-> [ 1, -> 1 ]
031|    while (running:1 != 0):true
033|     println( ~msg 'thread returned ' .. value:1 .. '' )...
035|     ... = resumethread( ~thread th:-> sub myrange(~from , ~to) )...
035|   ... = resumethread( ~thread th:-> sub myrange(~from , ~to) ):-> Null
015|   i = (i:1 + 1):2
016|  end
008|  while (i:2 <= to:-> 10):true
013|   threadyield0( ~yieldval i:2 )...
035|     [ running:1 , value:-> 2]  =threadyield0( ~yieldval i:2 ):-> [ 1, -> 2 ]
036|    end
031|    while (running:1 != 0):true
033|     println( ~msg 'thread returned ' .. value:2 .. '' )...
035|     ... = resumethread( ~thread th:-> sub myrange(~from , ~to) )...
035|   ... = resumethread( ~thread th:-> sub myrange(~from , ~to) ):-> Null
015|   i = (i:2 + 1):3
016|  end
008|  while (i:3 <= to:-> 10):true
013|   threadyield0( ~yieldval i:3 )...
035|     [ running:1 , value:-> 3]  =threadyield0( ~yieldval i:3 ):-> [ 1, -> 3 ]
036|    end
031|    while (running:1 != 0):true
033|     println( ~msg 'thread returned ' .. value:3 .. '' )...
035|     ... = resumethread( ~thread th:-> sub myrange(~from , ~to) )...
035|   ... = resumethread( ~thread th:-> sub myrange(~from , ~to) ):-> Null
015|   i = (i:3 + 1):4
016|  end
008|  while (i:4 <= to:-> 10):true
013|   threadyield0( ~yieldval i:4 )...
035|     [ running:1 , value:-> 4]  =threadyield0( ~yieldval i:4 ):-> [ 1, -> 4 ]
036|    end
031|    while (running:1 != 0):true
033|     println( ~msg 'thread returned ' .. value:4 .. '' )...
035|     ... = resumethread( ~thread th:-> sub myrange(~from , ~to) )...
035|   ... = resumethread( ~thread th:-> sub myrange(~from , ~to) ):-> Null
015|   i = (i:4 + 1):5
016|  end
008|  while (i:5 <= to:-> 10):true
013|   threadyield0( ~yieldval i:5 )...
035|     [ running:1 , value:-> 5]  =threadyield0( ~yieldval i:5 ):-> [ 1, -> 5 ]
036|    end
031|    while (running:1 != 0):true
033|     println( ~msg 'thread returned ' .. value:5 .. '' )...
035|     ... = resumethread( ~thread th:-> sub myrange(~from , ~to) )...
035|   ... = resumethread( ~thread th:-> sub myrange(~from , ~to) ):-> Null
015|   i = (i:5 + 1):6
016|  end
008|  while (i:6 <= to:-> 10):true
013|   threadyield0( ~yieldval i:6 )...
035|     [ running:1 , value:-> 6]  =threadyield0( ~yieldval i:6 ):-> [ 1, -> 6 ]
036|    end
031|    while (running:1 != 0):true
033|     println( ~msg 'thread returned ' .. value:6 .. '' )...
035|     ... = resumethread( ~thread th:-> sub myrange(~from , ~to) )...
035|   ... = resumethread( ~thread th:-> sub myrange(~from , ~to) ):-> Null
015|   i = (i:6 + 1):7
016|  end
008|  while (i:7 <= to:-> 10):true
013|   threadyield0( ~yieldval i:7 )...
035|     [ running:1 , value:-> 7]  =threadyield0( ~yieldval i:7 ):-> [ 1, -> 7 ]
036|    end
031|    while (running:1 != 0):true
033|     println( ~msg 'thread returned ' .. value:7 .. '' )...
035|     ... = resumethread( ~thread th:-> sub myrange(~from , ~to) )...
035|   ... = resumethread( ~thread th:-> sub myrange(~from , ~to) ):-> Null
015|   i = (i:7 + 1):8
016|  end
008|  while (i:8 <= to:-> 10):true
013|   threadyield0( ~yieldval i:8 )...
035|     [ running:1 , value:-> 8]  =threadyield0( ~yieldval i:8 ):-> [ 1, -> 8 ]
036|    end
031|    while (running:1 != 0):true
033|     println( ~msg 'thread returned ' .. value:8 .. '' )...
035|     ... = resumethread( ~thread th:-> sub myrange(~from , ~to) )...
035|   ... = resumethread( ~thread th:-> sub myrange(~from , ~to) ):-> Null
015|   i = (i:8 + 1):9
016|  end
008|  while (i:9 <= to:-> 10):true
013|   threadyield0( ~yieldval i:9 )...
035|     [ running:1 , value:-> 9]  =threadyield0( ~yieldval i:9 ):-> [ 1, -> 9 ]
036|    end
031|    while (running:1 != 0):true
033|     println( ~msg 'thread returned ' .. value:9 .. '' )...
035|     ... = resumethread( ~thread th:-> sub myrange(~from , ~to) )...
035|   ... = resumethread( ~thread th:-> sub myrange(~from , ~to) ):-> Null
015|   i = (i:9 + 1):10
016|  end
008|  while (i:10 <= to:-> 10):true
013|   threadyield0( ~yieldval i:10 )...
035|     [ running:1 , value:-> 10]  =threadyield0( ~yieldval i:10 ):-> [ 1, -> 10 ]
036|    end
031|    while (running:1 != 0):true
033|     println( ~msg 'thread returned ' .. value:10 .. '' )...
035|     ... = resumethread( ~thread th:-> sub myrange(~from , ~to) )...
035|   ... = resumethread( ~thread th:-> sub myrange(~from , ~to) ):-> Null
015|   i = (i:10 + 1):11
016|  end
008|  while (i:11 <= to:-> 10):false
016|  end # finish loop
035|     [ running:0 , value:Null]  =
036|    end
031|    while (running:0 != 0):false
036|    end # finish loop
038|    stopthread( ~thread th:-> sub myrange(~from , ~to) )...