Pooh program example 05-graphmatrix.p

Test 05-graphmatrix.p

Source of programm

# test adjacency matrix data structure - graphmatrix.inc
include 'graphmatrix.inc'

r := make_graph_matrix( ~keepinedge 1 )

r . addnode( ~index 1 ~data [1, 2] )
r . addnode( ~index 2 ~data [2, 3] )
r . addnode( ~index 3 ~data [3, 4] )

r . addedge( ~from 1 ~to 2 )
r . addedge( ~from 1 ~to 3 )
r . addedge( ~from 2 ~to 1 )
r . addedge( ~from 2 ~to 3 )
r . addedge( ~from 3 ~to 1 )
r . addedge( ~from 3 ~to 2 )

r . addedge( ~from 4 ~to 6 )
r . addedge( ~from 5 ~to 6 )
r . addedge( ~from 5 ~to 6 )
r . addedge( ~from 5 ~to 7 )
r . addedge( ~from 6 ~to 7 )
r . addedge( ~from 7 ~to 1 )

println( ~msg '** the nodes **' )
for n  r . eachnode()
  d := r . nodedata( ~node n )
  println( ~msg ''node [[ n ]] data [ [[ join( ~array d ~separator ' ' ) ]] ]'' )

#println( ~msg '** the nodes with data  **' )
#for nd  r . eachnodewithdata()
#  println( ~msg nd[1] .. ' ' .. nd[2] )

println( ~msg 'out edges for node 1' )
for e  r . outedges( ~from 1 )
   println( ~msg e )

println( ~msg 'in edges for node 1' )
for e  r . outedges( ~from 1 )
   println( ~msg e )

println( ~msg 'delete edge 1-2' )
r . deledge( ~from 1 ~to 2 )

println( ~msg 'out edges for node 1' )
for e  r . outedges( ~from 1 )
   println( ~msg e )

println( ~msg 'in edges for node 1' )
for e  r . outedges( ~from 1 )
   println( ~msg e )

Included file: graphmatrix.inc

sub make_graph_matrix( keepinedge )
  return {
    'nullnode' : [],
    'nodes' : [],
    'deletednods' : [],

    'links' : [],
    'linksreverse' : [],
    'keepinedge' : defined( ~arg keepinedge ),

    # returns the number of nodes in the graph
    'numnodes' : 
	return size( ~arg this . nodes ) - size( ~arg this . deletednodes )

    # add a new node to the graph; the index of the new node is returned;
    # you can attach data to the node (if data argument is not Null)
    # you can set the node index with optional index parameter
    'addnode' : 
      sub( data optional , index optional )
      	if ! defined( ~arg index )
          if size( ~arg this . deletednodes ) == 0
            num = size( ~arg this . nodes ) + 1
            num = pop( ~array this . deletednodes )
	  num = index
	  if defined( ~arg this . nodes[ num ] )
	    return false
	if defined( ~arg data )
	  this . nodes[ num ] := data
	  this . nodes[ num ] := this . nullnode

    # return a reference to the data attached to node with index node
    'nodedata' :
      sub( node )
	if ! defined( ~arg this . nodes[ node ] )
	  return Null

	rt := this . nodes[ node ]
	if issame( ~a rt ~b this . nullnode )
	  return Null
	  return this . nodes[ node ]
    # delete a node with given index.
    'delnode' :
      sub (node)
	if ! defined( ~arg this . nodes[ node ] )
	  return false
	this . nodes[ node ] = Null 
	if this . keepinedge == 1
	  this . linksreverse[ node ] = Null

	push( ~array this . deletednods ~top node )
	return true

    # iterator, returns the index of each node in the graph.
    'eachnode' : 
      sub ()
        rt = []
	for i range( ~from 1 ~to size( ~arg this . nodes ) )
	    rt := this . nodes[ i ]

	    if defined( ~arg rt ) and not issame( ~a rt ~b this . nullnode )
		if isthreadmain()
		  threadyield0( ~yieldval i )
		  push( ~array rt ~top i )
	if not isthreadmain()
	  return rt

    # iterator, returns the index of each node in the graph and the data of the node
    'eachnodewithdata' : 
      sub ()
        rt = []
	for i range( ~from 1 ~to size( ~arg this . nodes ) )
	    rt := this . nodes[ i ]

	    if defined( ~arg rt ) and not issame( ~a rt ~b this . nullnode )
		if isthreadmain()
		  threadyield0( ~yieldval [ i , this . nodedata( ~node i ) ] )
		  push( ~array rt ~top  [ i , this . nodedata( ~node i ) ] )
	if not isthreadmain()
	  return rt

    # add a new edge to the graph.
    'addedge' :
      sub (from,to,linkdata optional)  
      	if ! defined( ~arg this . nodes[ from ] )
	  return false
      	if ! defined( ~arg this . nodes[ to ] )
	  return false

    	if defined( ~arg linkdata )
	  d := linkdata	    
	  d := this . nullnode
	this . links [ from ] [ to ] := d
	if this . keepinedge == true
	  this . linksreverse [ to ] [ from ] := d

    # returns true if edge exists from node with index from to node with index to
    'hasedge' :
       sub (from, to )

      	if ! defined( ~arg this . nodes[ from ] )
	  return false
      	if ! defined( ~arg this . nodes[ to ] )
	  return false

	if  defined( ~arg this . links [ from ] [ to ] )
	  return true
	return false

    # returns data associated to edge from node with index from to node with index to
    'edgedata' : 
      sub( from, to)
      	if ! defined( ~arg this . nodes[ from ] )
	  return Null
      	if ! defined( ~arg this . nodes[ to ] )
	  return Null

	rt := this . links [ from ] [ to ] 
	if ! defined( ~arg rt ) or issame( ~a rt ~b this . nullnode )
	  return Null
        return rt

    # delete edge that leads from node with index from to node with index to
    'deledge' :
      sub (from, to )
       	if ! defined( ~arg this . nodes[ from ] )
	  return false
      	if ! defined( ~arg this . nodes[ to ] )
	  return false
	this . links [ from ] [ to ] := Null
	if this . keepinedge == true
	    this . linksreverse [ from ] [ to ] := Null
	return false

    # iterator - returns the index of all edges that lead out of node with index from
    'outedges' :
      sub (from)
	if ! defined( ~arg this . nodes[ from ] )
	  return Null

	rt = []
	for i range( ~from 1 ~to size( ~arg this . links[ from ] ) )
          if ! defined( ~arg this . links [ from ] [ i ]  ) 

	  if isthreadmain()
	     threadyield0( ~yieldval i )
	     push( ~array rt ~top i )
        if  not isthreadmain()
	  return rt

    # iterator - returns edges that lead into node with index from
       sub (from)
	if ! defined( ~arg this . nodes[ from ] )
	  return Null

	if  this . keepinedge  == true
	  rt = []
	  for i range( ~from 1 ~to size( ~arg this . linksreverse[ from ] ) )
	    v := this . linksreverse [ from ] [ i ]
	    if not defined( ~arg v ) 

	    if isthreadmain()
	      threadyield0( ~yieldval i )
	      push( ~array rt ~top i )
          if  not isthreadmain()
	    return rt
          rt = []
          for n this . eachnode() 
            if this . hasedge( ~from n ~to from )
                if isthreadmain()
                  threadyield0( ~yieldval n )
                  push( ~array rt ~top n )
            if not isthreadmain()
              return rt

Standard output for 05-graphmatrix.p

** the nodes **
node 1 data [ 1 2 ]
node 2 data [ 2 3 ]
node 3 data [ 3 4 ]
out edges for node 1
in edges for node 1
delete edge 1-2
out edges for node 1
in edges for node 1

Trace output for 05-graphmatrix.p

003|... := make_graph_matrix( ~keepinedge 1 )...
004| return { 'nullnode' : [ ]  , 'nodes' : [ ]  , 'deletednods' : [ ]  , 'links' : [ ]  , 'linksreverse' : [ ]  , 'keepinedge' : defined( ~arg keepinedge:1 )...
004| return { 'nullnode' : [ ]  , 'nodes' : [ ]  , 'deletednods' : [ ]  , 'links' : [ ]  , 'linksreverse' : [ ]  , 'keepinedge' : defined( ~arg keepinedge:1 ):1 , 'numnodes' : sub () , 'addnode' : sub (~data , ~index) , 'nodedata' : sub (~node) , 'delnode' : sub (~node) , 'eachnode' : sub () , 'eachnodewithdata' : sub () , 'addedge' : sub (~from , ~to , ~linkdata) , 'hasedge' : sub (~from , ~to) , 'edgedata' : sub (~from , ~to) , 'deledge' : sub (~from , ~to) , 'outedges' : sub (~from) , 'inedges' : sub (~from) }
003|r := make_graph_matrix( ~keepinedge 1 ):{ 'links' : -> [  ], 'deledge' : sub , 'nodedata' : sub , 'outedges' : sub , 'addedge' : sub , 'nodes' : -> [  ], 'numnodes' : sub , 'inedges' : sub , 'deletednods' : -> [  ], 'hasedge' : sub , 'addnode' : sub , 'nullnode' : -> [  ], 'edgedata' : sub , 'eachnode' : sub , 'keepinedge' : -> 1, 'delnode' : sub , 'eachnodewithdata' : sub , 'linksreverse' : -> [  ] }
005|r{'addnode'}:sub ( ~index 1 ~data [ 1 , 2]  )...
024| if  not defined( ~arg index:1 )...
024| if  not defined( ~arg index:1 ):1
029| else
031|  num = index:1
032|  if defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[num:1]:Null )...
032|  if defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[num:1]:Null ):0
033|  end # if
034| end # if
037| if defined( ~arg data:[ -> 1, -> 2 ] )...
037| if defined( ~arg data:[ -> 1, -> 2 ] ):1
038|  this{'nodes'}[num:1]:[ -> 1, -> 2 ] := data:[ -> 1, -> 2 ]
038| end # if
005|r{'addnode'}:sub ( ~index 1 ~data [ 1 , 2]  ):Null
006|r{'addnode'}:sub ( ~index 2 ~data [ 2 , 3]  )...
024| if  not defined( ~arg index:2 )...
024| if  not defined( ~arg index:2 ):1
029| else
031|  num = index:2
032|  if defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[num:2]:Null )...
032|  if defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[num:2]:Null ):0
033|  end # if
034| end # if
037| if defined( ~arg data:[ -> 2, -> 3 ] )...
037| if defined( ~arg data:[ -> 2, -> 3 ] ):1
038|  this{'nodes'}[num:2]:[ -> 2, -> 3 ] := data:[ -> 2, -> 3 ]
038| end # if
006|r{'addnode'}:sub ( ~index 2 ~data [ 2 , 3]  ):Null
007|r{'addnode'}:sub ( ~index 3 ~data [ 3 , 4]  )...
024| if  not defined( ~arg index:3 )...
024| if  not defined( ~arg index:3 ):1
029| else
031|  num = index:3
032|  if defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[num:3]:Null )...
032|  if defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[num:3]:Null ):0
033|  end # if
034| end # if
037| if defined( ~arg data:[ -> 3, -> 4 ] )...
037| if defined( ~arg data:[ -> 3, -> 4 ] ):1
038|  this{'nodes'}[num:3]:[ -> 3, -> 4 ] := data:[ -> 3, -> 4 ]
038| end # if
007|r{'addnode'}:sub ( ~index 3 ~data [ 3 , 4]  ):Null
009|r{'addedge'}:sub ( ~from 1 ~to 2 )...
118| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:1]:[ -> 1, -> 2 ] )...
118| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:1]:[ -> 1, -> 2 ] ):1
119| end # if
121| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[to:2]:[ -> 2, -> 3 ] )...
121| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[to:2]:[ -> 2, -> 3 ] ):1
122| end # if
126| if defined( ~arg linkdata:Null )...
126| if defined( ~arg linkdata:Null ):0
127| else
129|  d := this{'nullnode'}:[  ]
129| end # if
132| this{'links'}[from:1][to:2]:[  ] := d:-> [  ]
133| if (this{'keepinedge'}:1 == 1):true
134|  this{'linksreverse'}[to:2][from:1]:[  ] := d:-> [  ]
134| end # if
009|r{'addedge'}:sub ( ~from 1 ~to 2 ):Null
010|r{'addedge'}:sub ( ~from 1 ~to 3 )...
118| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:1]:[ -> 1, -> 2 ] )...
118| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:1]:[ -> 1, -> 2 ] ):1
119| end # if
121| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[to:3]:[ -> 3, -> 4 ] )...
121| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[to:3]:[ -> 3, -> 4 ] ):1
122| end # if
126| if defined( ~arg linkdata:Null )...
126| if defined( ~arg linkdata:Null ):0
127| else
129|  d := this{'nullnode'}:[  ]
129| end # if
132| this{'links'}[from:1][to:3]:[  ] := d:-> [  ]
133| if (this{'keepinedge'}:1 == 1):true
134|  this{'linksreverse'}[to:3][from:1]:[  ] := d:-> [  ]
134| end # if
010|r{'addedge'}:sub ( ~from 1 ~to 3 ):Null
011|r{'addedge'}:sub ( ~from 2 ~to 1 )...
118| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:2]:[ -> 2, -> 3 ] )...
118| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:2]:[ -> 2, -> 3 ] ):1
119| end # if
121| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[to:1]:[ -> 1, -> 2 ] )...
121| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[to:1]:[ -> 1, -> 2 ] ):1
122| end # if
126| if defined( ~arg linkdata:Null )...
126| if defined( ~arg linkdata:Null ):0
127| else
129|  d := this{'nullnode'}:[  ]
129| end # if
132| this{'links'}[from:2][to:1]:[  ] := d:-> [  ]
133| if (this{'keepinedge'}:1 == 1):true
134|  this{'linksreverse'}[to:1][from:2]:[  ] := d:-> [  ]
134| end # if
011|r{'addedge'}:sub ( ~from 2 ~to 1 ):Null
012|r{'addedge'}:sub ( ~from 2 ~to 3 )...
118| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:2]:[ -> 2, -> 3 ] )...
118| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:2]:[ -> 2, -> 3 ] ):1
119| end # if
121| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[to:3]:[ -> 3, -> 4 ] )...
121| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[to:3]:[ -> 3, -> 4 ] ):1
122| end # if
126| if defined( ~arg linkdata:Null )...
126| if defined( ~arg linkdata:Null ):0
127| else
129|  d := this{'nullnode'}:[  ]
129| end # if
132| this{'links'}[from:2][to:3]:[  ] := d:-> [  ]
133| if (this{'keepinedge'}:1 == 1):true
134|  this{'linksreverse'}[to:3][from:2]:[  ] := d:-> [  ]
134| end # if
012|r{'addedge'}:sub ( ~from 2 ~to 3 ):Null
013|r{'addedge'}:sub ( ~from 3 ~to 1 )...
118| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:3]:[ -> 3, -> 4 ] )...
118| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:3]:[ -> 3, -> 4 ] ):1
119| end # if
121| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[to:1]:[ -> 1, -> 2 ] )...
121| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[to:1]:[ -> 1, -> 2 ] ):1
122| end # if
126| if defined( ~arg linkdata:Null )...
126| if defined( ~arg linkdata:Null ):0
127| else
129|  d := this{'nullnode'}:[  ]
129| end # if
132| this{'links'}[from:3][to:1]:[  ] := d:-> [  ]
133| if (this{'keepinedge'}:1 == 1):true
134|  this{'linksreverse'}[to:1][from:3]:[  ] := d:-> [  ]
134| end # if
013|r{'addedge'}:sub ( ~from 3 ~to 1 ):Null
014|r{'addedge'}:sub ( ~from 3 ~to 2 )...
118| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:3]:[ -> 3, -> 4 ] )...
118| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:3]:[ -> 3, -> 4 ] ):1
119| end # if
121| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[to:2]:[ -> 2, -> 3 ] )...
121| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[to:2]:[ -> 2, -> 3 ] ):1
122| end # if
126| if defined( ~arg linkdata:Null )...
126| if defined( ~arg linkdata:Null ):0
127| else
129|  d := this{'nullnode'}:[  ]
129| end # if
132| this{'links'}[from:3][to:2]:[  ] := d:-> [  ]
133| if (this{'keepinedge'}:1 == 1):true
134|  this{'linksreverse'}[to:2][from:3]:[  ] := d:-> [  ]
134| end # if
014|r{'addedge'}:sub ( ~from 3 ~to 2 ):Null
016|r{'addedge'}:sub ( ~from 4 ~to 6 )...
118| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:4]:Null )...
118| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:4]:Null ):0
119|  return 0
119| end # if
016|r{'addedge'}:sub ( ~from 4 ~to 6 ):0
017|r{'addedge'}:sub ( ~from 5 ~to 6 )...
118| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:5]:Null )...
118| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:5]:Null ):0
119|  return 0
119| end # if
017|r{'addedge'}:sub ( ~from 5 ~to 6 ):0
018|r{'addedge'}:sub ( ~from 5 ~to 6 )...
118| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:5]:Null )...
118| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:5]:Null ):0
119|  return 0
119| end # if
018|r{'addedge'}:sub ( ~from 5 ~to 6 ):0
019|r{'addedge'}:sub ( ~from 5 ~to 7 )...
118| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:5]:Null )...
118| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:5]:Null ):0
119|  return 0
119| end # if
019|r{'addedge'}:sub ( ~from 5 ~to 7 ):0
020|r{'addedge'}:sub ( ~from 6 ~to 7 )...
118| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:6]:Null )...
118| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:6]:Null ):0
119|  return 0
119| end # if
020|r{'addedge'}:sub ( ~from 6 ~to 7 ):0
021|r{'addedge'}:sub ( ~from 7 ~to 1 )...
118| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:7]:Null )...
118| if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:7]:Null ):0
119|  return 0
119| end # if
021|r{'addedge'}:sub ( ~from 7 ~to 1 ):0
023|println( ~msg '** the nodes **' )...
024|for ... r{'eachnode'}:sub (  )...
078| rt = [ ] 
079| for ... range( ~from 1 ~to size( ~arg this{'nodes'}:[ -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ], -> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ] )...
079| for ... range( ~from 1 ~to size( ~arg this{'nodes'}:[ -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ], -> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ] ):3 )...
079|  for i = 1
080|   rt := this{'nodes'}[i:1]:[ -> 1, -> 2 ]
082|   if (defined( ~arg rt:-> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] )...
082|   if (defined( ~arg rt:-> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ):1 and  not issame( ~a rt:-> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ~b this{'nullnode'}:[  ] )...
082|   if (defined( ~arg rt:-> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ):1 and  not issame( ~a rt:-> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ~b this{'nullnode'}:[  ] ):0):true
083|    if isthreadmain(  )...
083|    if isthreadmain(  ):1
084|     threadyield0( ~yieldval i:1 )...
024|      for n = 1
025|       ... := r{'nodedata'}:sub ( ~node n:1 )...
047|        if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[node:1]:[ -> 1, -> 2 ] )...
047|        if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[node:1]:[ -> 1, -> 2 ] ):1
048|        end # if
051|        rt := this{'nodes'}[node:1]:[ -> 1, -> 2 ]
052|        if issame( ~a rt:-> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ~b this{'nullnode'}:[  ] )...
052|        if issame( ~a rt:-> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ~b this{'nullnode'}:[  ] ):0
053|        else
055|         return this{'nodes'}[node:1]:[ -> 1, -> 2 ]
055|        end # if
025|       d := r{'nodedata'}:sub ( ~node n:1 ):-> [ -> 1, -> 2 ]
026|       println( ~msg 'node ' .. n:1 .. ' data [ ' .. join( ~array d:-> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ~separator ' ' )...
026|       println( ~msg 'node ' .. n:1 .. ' data [ ' .. join( ~array d:-> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ~separator ' ' ):'1 2' .. ' ]' )...
024|      end
024|      for ...
084|     threadyield0( ~yieldval i:1 ):-> Null
084|    end # if
088|   end # if
079|  end
079|  for ...
079|  for i = 2
080|   rt := this{'nodes'}[i:2]:[ -> 2, -> 3 ]
082|   if (defined( ~arg rt:-> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] )...
082|   if (defined( ~arg rt:-> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ):1 and  not issame( ~a rt:-> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ~b this{'nullnode'}:[  ] )...
082|   if (defined( ~arg rt:-> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ):1 and  not issame( ~a rt:-> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ~b this{'nullnode'}:[  ] ):0):true
083|    if isthreadmain(  )...
083|    if isthreadmain(  ):1
084|     threadyield0( ~yieldval i:2 )...
024|      for n = 2
025|       ... := r{'nodedata'}:sub ( ~node n:2 )...
047|        if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[node:2]:[ -> 2, -> 3 ] )...
047|        if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[node:2]:[ -> 2, -> 3 ] ):1
048|        end # if
051|        rt := this{'nodes'}[node:2]:[ -> 2, -> 3 ]
052|        if issame( ~a rt:-> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ~b this{'nullnode'}:[  ] )...
052|        if issame( ~a rt:-> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ~b this{'nullnode'}:[  ] ):0
053|        else
055|         return this{'nodes'}[node:2]:[ -> 2, -> 3 ]
055|        end # if
025|       d := r{'nodedata'}:sub ( ~node n:2 ):-> [ -> 2, -> 3 ]
026|       println( ~msg 'node ' .. n:2 .. ' data [ ' .. join( ~array d:-> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ~separator ' ' )...
026|       println( ~msg 'node ' .. n:2 .. ' data [ ' .. join( ~array d:-> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ~separator ' ' ):'2 3' .. ' ]' )...
024|      end
024|      for ...
084|     threadyield0( ~yieldval i:2 ):-> Null
084|    end # if
088|   end # if
079|  end
079|  for ...
079|  for i = 3
080|   rt := this{'nodes'}[i:3]:[ -> 3, -> 4 ]
082|   if (defined( ~arg rt:-> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] )...
082|   if (defined( ~arg rt:-> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ):1 and  not issame( ~a rt:-> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ~b this{'nullnode'}:[  ] )...
082|   if (defined( ~arg rt:-> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ):1 and  not issame( ~a rt:-> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ~b this{'nullnode'}:[  ] ):0):true
083|    if isthreadmain(  )...
083|    if isthreadmain(  ):1
084|     threadyield0( ~yieldval i:3 )...
024|      for n = 3
025|       ... := r{'nodedata'}:sub ( ~node n:3 )...
047|        if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[node:3]:[ -> 3, -> 4 ] )...
047|        if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[node:3]:[ -> 3, -> 4 ] ):1
048|        end # if
051|        rt := this{'nodes'}[node:3]:[ -> 3, -> 4 ]
052|        if issame( ~a rt:-> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ~b this{'nullnode'}:[  ] )...
052|        if issame( ~a rt:-> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ~b this{'nullnode'}:[  ] ):0
053|        else
055|         return this{'nodes'}[node:3]:[ -> 3, -> 4 ]
055|        end # if
025|       d := r{'nodedata'}:sub ( ~node n:3 ):-> [ -> 3, -> 4 ]
026|       println( ~msg 'node ' .. n:3 .. ' data [ ' .. join( ~array d:-> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ~separator ' ' )...
026|       println( ~msg 'node ' .. n:3 .. ' data [ ' .. join( ~array d:-> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ~separator ' ' ):'3 4' .. ' ]' )...
024|      end
024|      for ...
084|     threadyield0( ~yieldval i:3 ):-> Null
084|    end # if
088|   end # if
079|  end
079|  for ...
079|  end # finish for loop
090|  if  not isthreadmain(  )...
090|  if  not isthreadmain(  ):1
091|  end # if
024|  end # finish for loop
035|  println( ~msg 'out edges for node 1' )...
036|  for ... r{'outedges'}:sub ( ~from 1 )...
192|   if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:-> 1]:[ -> 1, -> 2 ] )...
192|   if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:-> 1]:[ -> 1, -> 2 ] ):1
193|   end # if
196|   rt = [ ] 
197|   for ... range( ~from 1 ~to size( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1]:[ Null, -> (0x9522440)[  ], -> <0x9522440>  ] )...
197|   for ... range( ~from 1 ~to size( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1]:[ Null, -> (0x9522440)[  ], -> <0x9522440>  ] ):3 )...
197|    for i = 1
199|     if  not defined( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1][i:1]:Null )...
199|     if  not defined( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1][i:1]:Null ):0
200|      next
200|     end # if
197|    end
197|    for ...
197|    for i = 2
199|     if  not defined( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1][i:2]:[  ] )...
199|     if  not defined( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1][i:2]:[  ] ):1
200|     end # if
203|     if isthreadmain(  )...
203|     if isthreadmain(  ):1
204|      threadyield0( ~yieldval i:2 )...
036|       for e = 2
037|        println( ~msg e:2 )...
036|       end
036|       for ...
204|      threadyield0( ~yieldval i:2 ):-> Null
204|     end # if
197|    end
197|    for ...
197|    for i = 3
199|     if  not defined( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1][i:3]:[  ] )...
199|     if  not defined( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1][i:3]:[  ] ):1
200|     end # if
203|     if isthreadmain(  )...
203|     if isthreadmain(  ):1
204|      threadyield0( ~yieldval i:3 )...
036|       for e = 3
037|        println( ~msg e:3 )...
036|       end
036|       for ...
204|      threadyield0( ~yieldval i:3 ):-> Null
204|     end # if
197|    end
197|    for ...
197|    end # finish for loop
209|    if  not isthreadmain(  )...
209|    if  not isthreadmain(  ):1
210|    end # if
036|    end # finish for loop
040|    println( ~msg 'in edges for node 1' )...
041|    for ... r{'outedges'}:sub ( ~from 1 )...
192|     if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:-> 1]:[ -> 1, -> 2 ] )...
192|     if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:-> 1]:[ -> 1, -> 2 ] ):1
193|     end # if
196|     rt = [ ] 
197|     for ... range( ~from 1 ~to size( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1]:[ Null, -> (0x9522440)[  ], -> <0x9522440>  ] )...
197|     for ... range( ~from 1 ~to size( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1]:[ Null, -> (0x9522440)[  ], -> <0x9522440>  ] ):3 )...
197|      for i = 1
199|       if  not defined( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1][i:1]:Null )...
199|       if  not defined( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1][i:1]:Null ):0
200|        next
200|       end # if
197|      end
197|      for ...
197|      for i = 2
199|       if  not defined( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1][i:2]:[  ] )...
199|       if  not defined( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1][i:2]:[  ] ):1
200|       end # if
203|       if isthreadmain(  )...
203|       if isthreadmain(  ):1
204|        threadyield0( ~yieldval i:2 )...
041|         for e = 2
042|          println( ~msg e:2 )...
041|         end
041|         for ...
204|        threadyield0( ~yieldval i:2 ):-> Null
204|       end # if
197|      end
197|      for ...
197|      for i = 3
199|       if  not defined( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1][i:3]:[  ] )...
199|       if  not defined( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1][i:3]:[  ] ):1
200|       end # if
203|       if isthreadmain(  )...
203|       if isthreadmain(  ):1
204|        threadyield0( ~yieldval i:3 )...
041|         for e = 3
042|          println( ~msg e:3 )...
041|         end
041|         for ...
204|        threadyield0( ~yieldval i:3 ):-> Null
204|       end # if
197|      end
197|      for ...
197|      end # finish for loop
209|      if  not isthreadmain(  )...
209|      if  not isthreadmain(  ):1
210|      end # if
041|      end # finish for loop
045|      println( ~msg 'delete edge 1-2' )...
046|      r{'deledge'}:sub ( ~from 1 ~to 2 )...
175|       if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:1]:[ -> 1, -> 2 ] )...
175|       if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:1]:[ -> 1, -> 2 ] ):1
176|       end # if
178|       if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[to:2]:[ -> 2, -> 3 ] )...
178|       if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[to:2]:[ -> 2, -> 3 ] ):1
179|       end # if
182|       this{'links'}[from:1][to:2]:Null := Null
183|       if (this{'keepinedge'}:1 == 1):true
184|        this{'linksreverse'}[from:1][to:2]:Null := Null
184|       end # if
186|       return 0
046|      r{'deledge'}:sub ( ~from 1 ~to 2 ):0
049|      println( ~msg 'out edges for node 1' )...
050|      for ... r{'outedges'}:sub ( ~from 1 )...
192|       if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:-> 1]:[ -> 1, -> 2 ] )...
192|       if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:-> 1]:[ -> 1, -> 2 ] ):1
193|       end # if
196|       rt = [ ] 
197|       for ... range( ~from 1 ~to size( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1]:[ Null, Null, -> [  ] ] )...
197|       for ... range( ~from 1 ~to size( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1]:[ Null, Null, -> [  ] ] ):3 )...
197|        for i = 1
199|         if  not defined( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1][i:1]:Null )...
199|         if  not defined( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1][i:1]:Null ):0
200|          next
200|         end # if
197|        end
197|        for ...
197|        for i = 2
199|         if  not defined( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1][i:2]:Null )...
199|         if  not defined( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1][i:2]:Null ):0
200|          next
200|         end # if
197|        end
197|        for ...
197|        for i = 3
199|         if  not defined( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1][i:3]:[  ] )...
199|         if  not defined( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1][i:3]:[  ] ):1
200|         end # if
203|         if isthreadmain(  )...
203|         if isthreadmain(  ):1
204|          threadyield0( ~yieldval i:3 )...
050|           for e = 3
051|            println( ~msg e:3 )...
050|           end
050|           for ...
204|          threadyield0( ~yieldval i:3 ):-> Null
204|         end # if
197|        end
197|        for ...
197|        end # finish for loop
209|        if  not isthreadmain(  )...
209|        if  not isthreadmain(  ):1
210|        end # if
050|        end # finish for loop
054|        println( ~msg 'in edges for node 1' )...
055|        for ... r{'outedges'}:sub ( ~from 1 )...
192|         if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:-> 1]:[ -> 1, -> 2 ] )...
192|         if  not defined( ~arg this{'nodes'}[from:-> 1]:[ -> 1, -> 2 ] ):1
193|         end # if
196|         rt = [ ] 
197|         for ... range( ~from 1 ~to size( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1]:[ Null, Null, -> [  ] ] )...
197|         for ... range( ~from 1 ~to size( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1]:[ Null, Null, -> [  ] ] ):3 )...
197|          for i = 1
199|           if  not defined( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1][i:1]:Null )...
199|           if  not defined( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1][i:1]:Null ):0
200|            next
200|           end # if
197|          end
197|          for ...
197|          for i = 2
199|           if  not defined( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1][i:2]:Null )...
199|           if  not defined( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1][i:2]:Null ):0
200|            next
200|           end # if
197|          end
197|          for ...
197|          for i = 3
199|           if  not defined( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1][i:3]:[  ] )...
199|           if  not defined( ~arg this{'links'}[from:-> 1][i:3]:[  ] ):1
200|           end # if
203|           if isthreadmain(  )...
203|           if isthreadmain(  ):1
204|            threadyield0( ~yieldval i:3 )...
055|             for e = 3
056|              println( ~msg e:3 )...
055|             end
055|             for ...
204|            threadyield0( ~yieldval i:3 ):-> Null
204|           end # if
197|          end
197|          for ...
197|          end # finish for loop
209|          if  not isthreadmain(  )...
209|          if  not isthreadmain(  ):1
210|          end # if
055|          end # finish for loop