Pooh program example 03-stack.p

Test 03-stack.p

Source of programm

# test stack data structure - stack.inc

include 'stack.inc'

println( ~msg 'stack of numbers' )

l = make_stack()

l . push( ~data 1 )
l . push( ~data 2 )
l . push( ~data 3 )
l . push( ~data 4 )

while  l . count() != 0
  r = l . pop( )
  println( ~msg r )

println( ~msg 'stack of arrays' )

l . push( ~data [ 1, 2] )
l . push( ~data [ 2, 3] )
l . push( ~data [ 3, 4] )
l . push( ~data [ 5, 6] )

while  l . count() != 0
  r = l . pop( )
  println( ~msg join( ~array r ~separator ' - ' ) )

print( ~msg '*** eof stack test ***' )

Included file: stack.inc

sub make_stack_node( data optional )
  # this ugly construct forces to return a node in heap memory. 
  # i think the notion of a clear language has to be revised a bit ;-)
  l = [ [ Null, data ] ]
  return l[1]

# constructs a linked list stack
sub make_stack()
  e := make_stack_node( )
  return {
   'head' : e,
   'ncount' : 0,
   # add new element to the top of the stack
   'push' : sub( data )
        newnode := make_stack_node( ~data data )
        if defined( ~arg this . head[ 1 ] )
          newnode[ 1 ]  := this . head [ 1 ]
        this . head[ 1 ] := newnode
        this . ncount = this . ncount + 1
        #dump( ~arg this . head )
        #println( ~msg '***' )

    # removes an element from the stack; the last value inserted with push is the first one returned by pop.
   'pop' : sub( )
        if ! defined( ~arg this . head[ 1 ] )
          return Null
        rt := this . head[ 1 ]
        this . head[ 1 ]   := rt[ 1 ]
        this . ncount = this . ncount - 1
        #dump( ~arg this . head )
        #println( ~msg '***' )

        return rt[ 2 ]

    'count' : sub() 
        return this . ncount

Standard output for 03-stack.p

stack of numbers
stack of arrays
5 - 6
3 - 4
2 - 3
1 - 2
*** eof stack test ***

Trace output for 03-stack.p

003|println( ~msg 'stack of numbers' )...
005|... = make_stack(  )...
012| ... := make_stack_node(  )...
006|  l = [ [ Null , data:Null] ] 
007|  return l[1]:[ -> Null, -> Null ]
012| e := make_stack_node(  ):-> [ -> Null, -> Null ]
013| return { 'head' : e:-> [ -> Null, -> Null ] , 'ncount' : 0 , 'push' : sub (~data) , 'pop' : sub () , 'count' : sub () }
005|l = make_stack(  ):{ 'count' : sub , 'head' : -> [ -> Null, -> Null ], 'pop' : sub , 'ncount' : -> 0, 'push' : sub  }
007|l{'push'}:sub ( ~data 1 )...
019| ... := make_stack_node( ~data data:1 )...
006|  l = [ [ Null , data:1] ] 
007|  return l[1]:[ -> Null, -> 1 ]
019| newnode := make_stack_node( ~data data:1 ):-> [ -> Null, -> 1 ]
020| if defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:Null )...
020| if defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:Null ):0
021| end # if
023| this{'head'}[1]:[ -> Null, -> 1 ] := newnode:-> [ -> Null, -> 1 ]
024| this{'ncount'}:1 = (this{'ncount'}:0 + 1):1
008|l{'push'}:sub ( ~data 2 )...
019| ... := make_stack_node( ~data data:2 )...
006|  l = [ [ Null , data:2] ] 
007|  return l[1]:[ -> Null, -> 2 ]
019| newnode := make_stack_node( ~data data:2 ):-> [ -> Null, -> 2 ]
020| if defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> Null, -> 1 ] )...
020| if defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> Null, -> 1 ] ):1
021|  newnode[1]:[ -> Null, -> 1 ] := this{'head'}[1]:[ -> Null, -> 1 ]
021| end # if
023| this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> Null, -> 1 ], -> 2 ] := newnode:-> [ -> [ -> Null, -> 1 ], -> 2 ]
024| this{'ncount'}:2 = (this{'ncount'}:1 + 1):2
009|l{'push'}:sub ( ~data 3 )...
019| ... := make_stack_node( ~data data:3 )...
006|  l = [ [ Null , data:3] ] 
007|  return l[1]:[ -> Null, -> 3 ]
019| newnode := make_stack_node( ~data data:3 ):-> [ -> Null, -> 3 ]
020| if defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> Null, -> 1 ], -> 2 ] )...
020| if defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> Null, -> 1 ], -> 2 ] ):1
021|  newnode[1]:[ -> [ -> Null, -> 1 ], -> 2 ] := this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> Null, -> 1 ], -> 2 ]
021| end # if
023| this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> 1 ], -> 2 ], -> 3 ] := newnode:-> [ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> 1 ], -> 2 ], -> 3 ]
024| this{'ncount'}:3 = (this{'ncount'}:2 + 1):3
010|l{'push'}:sub ( ~data 4 )...
019| ... := make_stack_node( ~data data:4 )...
006|  l = [ [ Null , data:4] ] 
007|  return l[1]:[ -> Null, -> 4 ]
019| newnode := make_stack_node( ~data data:4 ):-> [ -> Null, -> 4 ]
020| if defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> 1 ], -> 2 ], -> 3 ] )...
020| if defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> 1 ], -> 2 ], -> 3 ] ):1
021|  newnode[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> 1 ], -> 2 ], -> 3 ] := this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> 1 ], -> 2 ], -> 3 ]
021| end # if
023| this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> 1 ], -> 2 ], -> 3 ], -> 4 ] := newnode:-> [ -> [ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> 1 ], -> 2 ], -> 3 ], -> 4 ]
024| this{'ncount'}:4 = (this{'ncount'}:3 + 1):4
013|while (l{'count'}:sub (  )...
046| return this{'ncount'}:4
013|while (l{'count'}:sub (  ):-> 4 != 0):true
014| ... = l{'pop'}:sub (  )...
032|  if  not defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> 1 ], -> 2 ], -> 3 ], -> 4 ] )...
032|  if  not defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> 1 ], -> 2 ], -> 3 ], -> 4 ] ):1
033|  end # if
035|  rt := this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> 1 ], -> 2 ], -> 3 ], -> 4 ]
036|  this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> 1 ], -> 2 ], -> 3 ] := rt[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> 1 ], -> 2 ], -> 3 ]
037|  this{'ncount'}:3 = (this{'ncount'}:4 - 1):3
042|  return rt[2]:4
014| r = l{'pop'}:sub (  ):-> 4
015| println( ~msg r:4 )...
013|while (l{'count'}:sub (  )...
046| return this{'ncount'}:3
013|while (l{'count'}:sub (  ):-> 3 != 0):true
014| ... = l{'pop'}:sub (  )...
032|  if  not defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> 1 ], -> 2 ], -> 3 ] )...
032|  if  not defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> 1 ], -> 2 ], -> 3 ] ):1
033|  end # if
035|  rt := this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> 1 ], -> 2 ], -> 3 ]
036|  this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> Null, -> 1 ], -> 2 ] := rt[1]:[ -> [ -> Null, -> 1 ], -> 2 ]
037|  this{'ncount'}:2 = (this{'ncount'}:3 - 1):2
042|  return rt[2]:3
014| r = l{'pop'}:sub (  ):-> 3
015| println( ~msg r:3 )...
013|while (l{'count'}:sub (  )...
046| return this{'ncount'}:2
013|while (l{'count'}:sub (  ):-> 2 != 0):true
014| ... = l{'pop'}:sub (  )...
032|  if  not defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> Null, -> 1 ], -> 2 ] )...
032|  if  not defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> Null, -> 1 ], -> 2 ] ):1
033|  end # if
035|  rt := this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> Null, -> 1 ], -> 2 ]
036|  this{'head'}[1]:[ -> Null, -> 1 ] := rt[1]:[ -> Null, -> 1 ]
037|  this{'ncount'}:1 = (this{'ncount'}:2 - 1):1
042|  return rt[2]:2
014| r = l{'pop'}:sub (  ):-> 2
015| println( ~msg r:2 )...
013|while (l{'count'}:sub (  )...
046| return this{'ncount'}:1
013|while (l{'count'}:sub (  ):-> 1 != 0):true
014| ... = l{'pop'}:sub (  )...
032|  if  not defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> Null, -> 1 ] )...
032|  if  not defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> Null, -> 1 ] ):1
033|  end # if
035|  rt := this{'head'}[1]:[ -> Null, -> 1 ]
036|  this{'head'}[1]:Null := rt[1]:Null
037|  this{'ncount'}:0 = (this{'ncount'}:1 - 1):0
042|  return rt[2]:1
014| r = l{'pop'}:sub (  ):-> 1
015| println( ~msg r:1 )...
013|while (l{'count'}:sub (  )...
046| return this{'ncount'}:0
013|while (l{'count'}:sub (  ):-> 0 != 0):false
016|end # finish loop
018|println( ~msg 'stack of arrays' )...
020|l{'push'}:sub ( ~data [ 1 , 2]  )...
019| ... := make_stack_node( ~data data:[ -> 1, -> 2 ] )...
006|  l = [ [ Null , data:-> [ -> 1, -> 2 ]] ] 
007|  return l[1]:[ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ]
019| newnode := make_stack_node( ~data data:[ -> 1, -> 2 ] ):-> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ]
020| if defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:Null )...
020| if defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:Null ):0
021| end # if
023| this{'head'}[1]:[ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ] := newnode:-> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ]
024| this{'ncount'}:1 = (this{'ncount'}:0 + 1):1
021|l{'push'}:sub ( ~data [ 2 , 3]  )...
019| ... := make_stack_node( ~data data:[ -> 2, -> 3 ] )...
006|  l = [ [ Null , data:-> [ -> 2, -> 3 ]] ] 
007|  return l[1]:[ -> Null, -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ]
019| newnode := make_stack_node( ~data data:[ -> 2, -> 3 ] ):-> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ]
020| if defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ] )...
020| if defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ] ):1
021|  newnode[1]:[ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ] := this{'head'}[1]:[ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ]
021| end # if
023| this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ] := newnode:-> [ -> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ]
024| this{'ncount'}:2 = (this{'ncount'}:1 + 1):2
022|l{'push'}:sub ( ~data [ 3 , 4]  )...
019| ... := make_stack_node( ~data data:[ -> 3, -> 4 ] )...
006|  l = [ [ Null , data:-> [ -> 3, -> 4 ]] ] 
007|  return l[1]:[ -> Null, -> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ]
019| newnode := make_stack_node( ~data data:[ -> 3, -> 4 ] ):-> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ]
020| if defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ] )...
020| if defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ] ):1
021|  newnode[1]:[ -> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ] := this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ]
021| end # if
023| this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ], -> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ] := newnode:-> [ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ], -> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ]
024| this{'ncount'}:3 = (this{'ncount'}:2 + 1):3
023|l{'push'}:sub ( ~data [ 5 , 6]  )...
019| ... := make_stack_node( ~data data:[ -> 5, -> 6 ] )...
006|  l = [ [ Null , data:-> [ -> 5, -> 6 ]] ] 
007|  return l[1]:[ -> Null, -> [ -> 5, -> 6 ] ]
019| newnode := make_stack_node( ~data data:[ -> 5, -> 6 ] ):-> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 5, -> 6 ] ]
020| if defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ], -> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ] )...
020| if defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ], -> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ] ):1
021|  newnode[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ], -> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ] := this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ], -> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ]
021| end # if
023| this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ], -> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ], -> [ -> 5, -> 6 ] ] := newnode:-> [ -> [ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ], -> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ], -> [ -> 5, -> 6 ] ]
024| this{'ncount'}:4 = (this{'ncount'}:3 + 1):4
025|while (l{'count'}:sub (  )...
046| return this{'ncount'}:4
025|while (l{'count'}:sub (  ):-> 4 != 0):true
026| ... = l{'pop'}:sub (  )...
032|  if  not defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ], -> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ], -> [ -> 5, -> 6 ] ] )...
032|  if  not defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ], -> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ], -> [ -> 5, -> 6 ] ] ):1
033|  end # if
035|  rt := this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ], -> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ], -> [ -> 5, -> 6 ] ]
036|  this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ], -> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ] := rt[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ], -> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ]
037|  this{'ncount'}:3 = (this{'ncount'}:4 - 1):3
042|  return rt[2]:[ -> 5, -> 6 ]
026| r = l{'pop'}:sub (  ):-> [ -> 5, -> 6 ]
027| println( ~msg join( ~array r:[ -> 5, -> 6 ] ~separator ' - ' )...
027| println( ~msg join( ~array r:[ -> 5, -> 6 ] ~separator ' - ' ):'5 - 6' )...
025|while (l{'count'}:sub (  )...
046| return this{'ncount'}:3
025|while (l{'count'}:sub (  ):-> 3 != 0):true
026| ... = l{'pop'}:sub (  )...
032|  if  not defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ], -> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ] )...
032|  if  not defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ], -> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ] ):1
033|  end # if
035|  rt := this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ], -> [ -> 3, -> 4 ] ]
036|  this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ] := rt[1]:[ -> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ]
037|  this{'ncount'}:2 = (this{'ncount'}:3 - 1):2
042|  return rt[2]:[ -> 3, -> 4 ]
026| r = l{'pop'}:sub (  ):-> [ -> 3, -> 4 ]
027| println( ~msg join( ~array r:[ -> 3, -> 4 ] ~separator ' - ' )...
027| println( ~msg join( ~array r:[ -> 3, -> 4 ] ~separator ' - ' ):'3 - 4' )...
025|while (l{'count'}:sub (  )...
046| return this{'ncount'}:2
025|while (l{'count'}:sub (  ):-> 2 != 0):true
026| ... = l{'pop'}:sub (  )...
032|  if  not defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ] )...
032|  if  not defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ] ):1
033|  end # if
035|  rt := this{'head'}[1]:[ -> [ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ], -> [ -> 2, -> 3 ] ]
036|  this{'head'}[1]:[ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ] := rt[1]:[ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ]
037|  this{'ncount'}:1 = (this{'ncount'}:2 - 1):1
042|  return rt[2]:[ -> 2, -> 3 ]
026| r = l{'pop'}:sub (  ):-> [ -> 2, -> 3 ]
027| println( ~msg join( ~array r:[ -> 2, -> 3 ] ~separator ' - ' )...
027| println( ~msg join( ~array r:[ -> 2, -> 3 ] ~separator ' - ' ):'2 - 3' )...
025|while (l{'count'}:sub (  )...
046| return this{'ncount'}:1
025|while (l{'count'}:sub (  ):-> 1 != 0):true
026| ... = l{'pop'}:sub (  )...
032|  if  not defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ] )...
032|  if  not defined( ~arg this{'head'}[1]:[ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ] ):1
033|  end # if
035|  rt := this{'head'}[1]:[ -> Null, -> [ -> 1, -> 2 ] ]
036|  this{'head'}[1]:Null := rt[1]:Null
037|  this{'ncount'}:0 = (this{'ncount'}:1 - 1):0
042|  return rt[2]:[ -> 1, -> 2 ]
026| r = l{'pop'}:sub (  ):-> [ -> 1, -> 2 ]
027| println( ~msg join( ~array r:[ -> 1, -> 2 ] ~separator ' - ' )...
027| println( ~msg join( ~array r:[ -> 1, -> 2 ] ~separator ' - ' ):'1 - 2' )...
025|while (l{'count'}:sub (  )...
046| return this{'ncount'}:0
025|while (l{'count'}:sub (  ):-> 0 != 0):false
028|end # finish loop
032|print( ~msg '*** eof stack test ***' )...